
NCG Culture Club

Welcome to your new NCG Culture Club! How can we make NCG’s Culture Statement come alive? Here you will find Best Demonstrated Practices (BDPs) to help you and your team REIGNITE the Culture at your properties! During our brainstorming sessions, we noticed a common theme…Daily Huddle and 1 on 1’s. We can ignite a lot of culture by having engaging Daily Huddles and quality 1 on 1’s. Below you will find ideas on how we can all help our Culture Statement be something we don’t just say, but something we all live by.

Make sure you join and contribute to our NCG Culture Club facebook group – www.facebook.com/groups/ncgcultureclub

We take great pride in the inclusive culture we have created across our portfolio of properties—both those we manage for ourselves as well as those we manage for others. It is an environment in which team members at every level are fully engaged and can see the relationship between their job responsibilities and the overall success of each hotel. Creating a fun, safe and supportive environment for our team members to thrive in, shines through when we deliver an exceptional experience to our guests, clients and to the communities in which we live and work.



Daily Huddle

1 on 1’s


Fully Engaged

Line of Site


Exceptional Experience


If you have other ideas to share that work at your properties don’t forget to share them on our Facebook Group and email Katie Marron to have them added to this site!

Our team members are the foundation of our company's commitment to excellence.